Buy the album now!
Jim Coughlin’s first standup comedy album.
Recorded at the ACME Theater in North Hollywood, California.
Album and Website Credits:
Album Cover by Leslie Greenberger
Album Recorded by Randall Mills
Album Edited and Post-Produced by Dr. David Robinson at Heaping TSP
Headshots by Troy Conrad
Website design by Christine Blackburn
“Jim Coughlin is the Strunk & White of Comedy Writers. ”

“There’s five kids in my family,which right away tells you my parents are Catholics and underachievers.”
Jim’s parents
Jim’s BIO
Jim Coughlin's religion is comedy. His philosophy is comedy. And his ethnicity is comedy. He's been performing comedy since he was 13 and identified as Jim the Juggler.
He has a degree in Theatre from the University of Missouri, is a graduate of the famed improvisational theater: iO (formerly Improv Olympic West) and earned a “Ducktorate” from Disney University in Theme Park Studies.
Jim has starred in several short films including The Human Beeing, as a mad scientist who's invented the worker of the future, a man sized bee. The Human Beeing was featured in over 25 film festivals around the world.
He has performed standup comedy in four countries and across the US. He released his first standup comedy album, A Little Off The Top Of My Head, January 2020.

The Ice House
Sunday, March 8th, Jim hosts Dave McNary’s All-Star Variety Show in the main room of The Ice House, one of the longest running shows in one of the oldest comedy clubs in the country open since 1960. Jim hosts this show every few months and is also hosting it on March 1st on Stage 2.
The Ice House, 24 N. Mentor, Pasadena, CA 91106 7pm show. Tickets $7.50 with 2 drink minimum.
Catch Jim every Tuesday night at Hallenbeck's Cahuenga General Store for Open Mic Standup! Sign up at the counter 7:00-7:30 with the $7 purchase of delicious food. 8:00pm show. 5510 Cahuenga Blvd. North Hollywood, CA
Jim is a co-producer of Story Smash the Storytelling Game Show every month at the Hollywood Improv! Five comedians spin a wheel and tell a true story. “Expert” judges comment and hilarity ensues! Come down to the Improv and SPIN THAT WHEEL! Click here for the next show!
“Jim Coughlin is the funny intellectual school teacher who makes my guts laugh hard. His densely packed comedic thoughts crack me up. ”
“A dry, unpredictably witty ‘Professor of Everything’ with razor left turn jokes that somehow also convey a cohesive worldview.”

“I had potato skins for dinner last night. Some day I hope to be able to afford the inside of the potato.”
“Funny, smart, and delightfully weird.”
Life is better with friends.
“Jim Coughlin is a one in a million comedy writer: smart, quick-witted and topical, never relying on the punching down or the easy laugh. He is also professional and kind, a joy to have in our shows, and a must-follow on all social media. ”
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“Jim Coughlin is a joke book that became a man. ”